Wednesday, March 17, 2010

IEP Process: STEP 3 -- IEP Development Meeting, Placement Recommendation and Consent

IEP Development Meeting:
If a student is found eligible for special education, then the team creates an IEP for the students.
The IEP team is:
1. a special education teacher
2. a general education teacher
3. the parent (invited)
4. Local Education Agency Representative
5. Education evaluator
6. School psychologist
7. other specialists (as needed).

*At this point, the parent does not have to consent. The parent can disagree with what the school suggests and the school can proceed despite the disagreement.

Placement Recommendation:
The IEP team must place a student in the Least Restrictive Environment (LRE).
  • A student should be in a class with students within 3 years of their age and functioning level
  • Parents have the right to a copy of the class profile (ages and functioning levels of other students in the class)
  • Parents have a right to visit the proposed placement
  • Parents have the right to reject a setting or to reject supports that seem inappropriate for the child

Consent to Services:

A parent must consent to placement for the child to receive services.

The school must make an effort to obtain the consent of the parent.

*These three steps must be completed within 30 days of eligibility (determining that the child is eligible for special education services).

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